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Discovery Kids brings Doki to India!

Discovery Kids brings Doki to India!
Discovery Kids brings Doki to India!

Discovery Kids presents the world famous animated series– DOKI. The new series will fulfil the needs of young inquisitive minds as Doki and his team embarks on several interesting journeys to find answers to questions about science, nature and the world we live in. Doki is a born explorer, just like his best friends Oto, Mundi, Fico, Anabella and Gabi. Together, they are “Team Doki.” They take a voyage to different places on the planet to find their answers.

Any query can spark an adventure - Where do rubber bands come from? How did it feel to live in a castle? Do dragons really exist? From China to Brazil and from the bottom of the sea to the far reaches of outer space, DOKI will set out on far flung adventures to get to the bottom of their query and to find the exact answers. Get ready for interesting voyages every day at 12 noon on Discovery Kids.