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Trouble in Hamari Sister Didi

Hamari Sister Didi
Hamari Sister Didi

Hamari Sister Didi , is a story of Amrita the head nurse of her late husband’s hospital who has a strong belief that apart from medicine , love and affection plays an equally important role in healing a person. This strong belief has put Amrita into trouble. Treating a couple who ran away and got married after being beaten up by their families has put Amrita in a mess.

How will Amrita handle the situation where she is between the couples family who found out that they are being treated in Amrita’s hospital ? Will Karan help her get out of this mess? Will she be able to fight against the couple’s family and the goons that they brought along to create a havoc in the hospital?

Tune-in to find out how Amrita handles the situation only on Hamari Sister Didi at 8:30 pm from Monday to Saturday only on PAL