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Diandra to go bald in Bigg Boss?


Due to the tight security check for the passengers at the Salman Khan’s aircraft at Bigg Boss 8, supermodel-turned-emcee-turned actress Diandra Soares had to leave behind a mini suitcase full of hair accessories/head gears including pink and white wigs, glitter, glue, hair extensions, feathers, beads and more! It’ll be interesting to see how long Diandra’s hair remains blue.

When Diandra made an entry to Bigg Boss’ house, many contestants were curious to know whether her hair was for real. In fact, Karishma Tanna asked her directly and Diandra answered in affirmative. With her hair do, she needs the beauty products to maintain her looks and remain in the house. In the worst scenario, since no outsider is allowed in the house Salman will have to make an exception to arrange accessories or a person to bald her once again so that she can maintain a particular look throughout her stay at the house.  Well, we have to wait and watch for the developments at Bigg Boss’ house!