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Siyaasat – a tale of passion, power, and politics!


“EPIC”, India’s first genre specific Hindi entertainment channel presents a story of grand passion, court room politics, and royal drama. In a land where the Emperor reigned supreme, only the selected few would have the power to influence his decisions. While the kings charted the political climate for the country, the queens ruled that throne at home. The race for power consumed all who belonged to the king’s court. Forging political alliances through marriage, Salim married nineteen times before he could finally marry the love of his life, Mehrunissa. Almost abandoned at birth, Mehrunissa was bright and ambitious, and dreamt of becoming the queen. Based on Indu Sundaresan’s novel, ‘The Twentieth Wife,’ Siyaasat is the story of a pawn that charted her way to power to become Nur Jahan, the Mallikaa of Hindustan.

Season 1 of Siyaasat interweaves various plot lines from the lives of many historical characters including Akbar, Ruqaiyya Begum, Abul Fazal, and many others. Produced by Green Light productions, the show captures intricate details of the era in the form of real life locations and costumes. Shot in the real palaces of Bikaner, Siyaasat brings alive the decadent lifestyle, architecture, art, and stories of the Mughal royalty. Designer Pia Benegal, daughter of acclaimed director Shyam Benegal, spares no effort or imagination in bringing back the Mughal style and fashion through the artistically designed costumes. This real-life saga of love, loss, political gambits, and the unprecedented effects of power, will transport you into an era of grandeur and greatness.