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Blood Relatives!

Blood Relatives
Blood Relatives

Families that seem like harmonious units and pillars of the community on the outside, often hide the darkest secrets inside. In Blood Relatives, the façades are shed to reveal complex layers of jealousy, adultery and vengeance that result in the unthinkable: a murder within the family. The show airs Monday to Saturday at 9PM on ID–Investigation Discovery.
From the matriarch to the favoured son, black sheep to heir apparent, each episode unravels the motives of every family member, who are all potential suspects and potential victims. Blood Relatives unpeels these grim family dramas in which the strain of sibling rivalries, family businesses, and infidelities results in the ultimate betrayal. All bonds are off when those closest to you commit the coldest of crimes. Each episode will take you through a thrilling family saga. From children who kill their parents to siblings who stab each other in the back, the love lost in each episode is palpable.  Watch Blood Relatives on ID to find out if blood is really thicker than water!
Sharing details about the new series, Rahul Johri, Executive Vice President and General Manager – South Asia & South East Asia, Discovery Networks Asia-Pacific, said, “ID has pioneered a new wave of programming in Hindi entertainment with its differentiated content, scheduled as per the changing audience demands. Inspired by true stories and narrated by close friends of the families and law enforcement officials, Blood Relatives will reveal buried secrets, create a compelling mystery and keep viewers engaged.”  

- Dharmishtha Dagia