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First look of Fast and Furious 7!

Fast and Furious 7
Fast and Furious 7

Star Movies and Universal Pictures International - India gave fans a sneak peek into the latest sequel of the Fast & Furious franchise ‘Fast & Furious 7’, by airing its first look on Sunday, 2nd November 2014! In a first-of-its-kind experience, fans in India watched the trailer of the movie along with the rest of the world.

Thirteen years ago, Universal Pictures released the action film set within the underground street-racing subculture of East Los Angeles called The Fast and the Furious. Six films later, the franchise has grown into a global sensation, garnering more than $2.3 billion in worldwide box-office receipts and setting a record as Universal’s highest grossing franchise in history. The film will be releasing in cinemas on 3rd April 2015.