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Witness the rise of a Legend only on Movies Now!

Witness the rise of a Legend only on Movies Now!
Witness the rise of a Legend only on Movies Now!

MOVIES NOW brings the action-packed epic The Legend of Hercules to TV screens less than a year after its theatrical release. Discover the origin of the divine hero of Greek Mythology in the blockbuster premiere The Legend of Hercules - a tale of love, sacrifice and the strength of human spirit. The son of Zeus is betrayed by his stepfather, a tyrant king, and sold into slavery. Hercules must then embark on a legendary odyssey using his extraordinary strength to overthrow the king and restore peace to the land. From captive to hero, witness one man’s legendary journey to become a god. Find out how Hercules, the strong and fearless leader, leads his people in a heroic battle for their freedom. Don’t miss the story behind one of the greatest myths revealed in this action-packed epic

Witness the rise of the legend on Saturday 29th November at 9 pm only on MOVIES NOW!