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Manish breaks everyone’s Diets!

Manish Raisinghan
Manish Raisinghan

Manish Raisinghan who is known to be a big foodie, is spreading his love for food on the sets as well. The actor doesn’t allow his co-stars to follow their diets when he is shooting with them and makes them too indulge in various delicacies. Manish shares, “Recently we were shooting at a club and I had everyone eating or talking about food and cuisines. Aadesh Chaudhary who strictly follows a diet of fruits also ended up breaking his diet with me around.  It’s the same with Dheeraj Dhoopar who realized that his face had bloated when he saw himself in the Sardar get up due to all the sinful eating he had done with me.” Now the question is what is Manish’s secret behind maintaining such a great physique even after being such a big foodie. 

- Dharmishtha Dagia