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Ebola: The Search For A Cure!

Ebola: The Search For A Cure!
Ebola: The Search For A Cure!

Discovery Channel brings a one-hour premiere of Ebola: The Search For A Cure on Monday, 15th December at 9 pm. The special programme revolves around how and why the epidemic has spread so widely. Nearly a year into the epidemic, the death toll keeps rising and behind each number lays a human story. This film meets the doctors and interviews the scientists from all around the world working on the frontline looking for the cure for Ebola and hears first-hand accounts of what it’s actually like to catch and survive this terrible disease.
The film also features first suspected case in this outbreak - a young boy in Guinea, West Africa, known as Patient Zero and interviews with Britain’s first Ebola patient, Nurse William Pooley. It also meets the British doctors in London who were responsible for his care. And it finds out about the biggest hope so far in the fight against Ebola - the experimental drug Zmapp and what it will take to test, manufacture and distribute this drug on a large scale. This is an extraordinary story of bravery and determination against a deadly enemy. In this programme, viewers will learn how the virus reproduces and causes internal bleeding, diarrhoea, and vomiting. Learn how they are disinfected and disposed of and how tobacco plant proteins are used to make antibodies used in the Ebola treatment.

- Dharmishtha Dagia