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2nd Celebrity Cricket Charity Match...

It was a date with delight, a jostle with the jollies, a tryst with the terrific – and all of that was fused into a game of crackling cricket. But it was cricket with a difference. For one, it was not a match to fill up the coffers of some Seth and furthermore, it was played not by professional cricketers, but by stars of the small screen.

That’s how its glint, glimmer and glamour was totally hatke…!

The teams were T(elevision) C(ricket) C(lub) of I(ndia) and T(elevision) C(ricket) L(eague) - the former skippered by Varun Badola and the latter by Manav Gohil.

To insiders in the industry, both Varun and Manav are already well known for their cricketing abilities, but no lesser proven were the other teamsters, too, in spirit & style vis-à-vis the game.

And that made the game doubly delectable. Indeed, ek ticket mein do maze – you could see the stars as well as savour their cricketing style on an actual ground rather than one of those phillumy sets. And as added bonus, you also had an eyeful of beauties turning the cricketstaan into a paristaan…!

But shall we not start with the start?

The event was kick-started by – take a deep breath, folks – that fireball of Indian cricket, Shrisanth. His presence at the occasion had a solid reason to it and that was his implicit trust and faith in the cause, which had occasioned this match.

That cause is called so very tellingly – beti. An ITA initiative, beti is a crusade against Female Foeticide, rampant all across the country, today. The ITA originators Anu & Shashi Rajnan have made beti a mission obsession and their zeal & fervour have received unqualified and unflinching support from celebrities who keep their thinking caps on and are sensitive to social issues.

And then the game began!

The occasion left a clear signal – just as the bats swung and the balls struck, it was beti that echoed all across…

Way to go beti…

Teehee… and hurrah…!