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Amy Adams talks about Big Eyes!

Amy Adams
Amy Adams

Amy Adams, five-time Oscar nominee will shine this season in theatres with Tim Burton's ‘Big Eyes,’ the crazy but true story of painter Margaret Keane (Adams), whose husband (Christoph Waltz) claimed credit for her works in the 1960s. The actress wanted to work with Tim Burton for a very long time and feels that the script came in at just the right time. She was obsessed with Tim Burton’s movies- Pee-wee and Beetlejuice and many of his works.
Adams claims that expectation is hard to live up to, but at the same time, when she goes into doing a film it's not something that she thinks of but concentrates on giving in her best shot. The actress says, “It was kind of awesome. I shot ‘American Hustle’ first, and I don't know how long after, but it wasn't much more than a month after that we started shooting ‘Big Eyes’. It was a pretty quick transition. It was strange because coming off of Sydney (in American Hustle) I was feeling so beat up.

- Dharmishtha Dagia