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Dead Man walking – ACP’s son comes back from the dead!

Shivaji Satam
Shivaji Satam

He is considered the upholder of justice! So much so that he shot and killed his own psychotic son when  he got embroiled with criminals. But ACP is in for a huge shock when he sees his own dead son Nakul standing in front of him. Nakul has come back from the dead to seek revenge against his own father! He is now an integral part of an international terrorist gang and is wreaking havoc across the globe.  He is responsible for bomb blasts in 15 countries and is continuing the terror trail in Mumbai.

As ACP Pradyuman comes face-to-face with his son, Nakul doesn’t even think twice before pulling the trigger on his father and shooting him dead in the middle of the sea. The entire team is traumatized by this sudden turn of events but they continue to pursue Nakul.

How did Nakul come back from the dead? Is this terrorist the same son of ACP? If ACP is dead, who will lead the CID team?