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Sumit Kaul’s Dream Home!

Sumit Kaul
Sumit Kaul

Sumit Kaul is a happy for two reasons m one that his film Haider has been very well received and the second that he got a chance to shoot in Kashmir. Talking about his association with the beautiful Kashmir, Sumit tells us, “I am born and brought up in Mumbai but I am a Kashmiri and I have some fantastic memories of Kashmir. Till 1989 we used to go to our ancestral home in Jawahar Nagar in Srinagar for summer vacations. It used to be a family reunion for all of us but due to the socio-political scenario in Kashmir, my grandfather decided to sell the house. This time when we went to Kashmir to shoot for Haider I became very nostalgic. Couple of times I passed my ancestral place and had tears in my eyes. A family is residing there currently but it is a dream to buy a home in Kashmir if I ever get an opportunity.”

- Dharmishtha Dagia