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Pariva Pranati to bid adieu to Muskaan Hospital in Hamari Sister Didi

Pariva Pranati
Pariva Pranati

Muskaan Hospital in PAL’s Hamari Sister Didi is all set to bid adieu to their Sister Didi Amrita played by the beautiful Pariva Pranati. The show is leaving no stone unturned to entertain its viewers.  In the upcoming episodes the viewers will be entertained by the exciting twists and turns in the storyline.  Everybody’s favorite Sister Didi – Amrita is going to be seen getting accused by a patient.  Sohanlal,  the patient who will blame Amrita for prescribing him the wrong medication which has ended up giving him rashes all over his body. Sohanlala will be seen taking a firm stand against her and the hospital authorities.

As this patient has come with proof to the management accusing Amrita for a mistake that she has done, the management is going to be left with no option but to ask her to leave. Muskaan Hospital is going to be seen facing the darkest days as the soul of the hospital is going to be bidding adieu. As this turns out to come as a shock to the entire hospital as no one could ever expect or imagine of Amrita making such a huge blunder, they try their best to take a stand for her, but it doesn’t make much of a difference to anyone.

Well the fact still remains is that has Amrita really made the mistake or is she just being accused?