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Bomb found on the sets of SAB TV’s Peterson Hill

Peterson Hill
Peterson Hill

SAB TV’s popular show Peterson Hill was getting all geared up for a birthday celebration on their sets for Pushtak Pandey who owns a book-store on the station. Kishorilal portrayed by Rohit Roy along with all the others working on the station decided to surprise Pushtak Pandey with a celebration where they all get a cake and surprise him.
Seeing the love that everyone has for him, Pushtak Pandey gets very emotional and finds himself very lucky till that one moment. The moment was when he goes to cut his cake and there is a blast on his face and it all goes black. It was a hilarious moment for everyone there on the station because Kishorilal along with the others decide to play a prank on him by planting a bomb in his cake. Pushtak getting all fumed up with anger decides to get himself clean and while on his way to clean himself a dog starts barking at him and takes him for a run. The scene just keeps getting hilarious every moment and Pushtak’s birthday celebration turns to  be a moment of laughter for everyone.
Tune in to enjoy the fun and celebrate Pushtak’s birthday and be a part of the prank on Peterson Hill Monday to Friday at 10:30pm only on SAB TV