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Insecurities increase on the sets of Peterson Hill

Peterson Hill
Peterson Hill

The sky is no limit for SAB TV’s Peterson Hill as they are coming with the most interesting concepts on Indian television. They seem to be leaving no stone unturned to keep its viewers glued to their show. With the new entry of Anup Upadhyay as taoji in their series, the show seems to have taken an unexpected turn.

Taoji who is apparently trying to woo Kishorilal Chadda i.e Rohit Roy’s wife Pinky Chadda portrayed by Sucheta Khanna is making Kishorilal very insecure with everything that he is doing. Every time Taoji tries to speak to Pinky, Kishorilal ends up fuming in anger. He begins to get so furious that he ends up taking help from Nawaab to get rid of him.

In the upcoming track we will see Pinky Chadda inviting Taoji home for a lavish dinner and this gets Kishorilal very jealous. To get away from his insecurities and jealousy  Kishorilal Chadda comes up with a plan to add something in Taoji’s food which will upset his stomach which will end up making him go more to the washroom rather than spend time with his wife.

Will Kishorilal be successful in his witty plan that he made with Nawaab? Do you think Kishorilal’s insecurity is increased or is he just over reacting on the situation?

 Tune in to Peterson Hill to find out more from Monday to Friday at 10:30pm only on SAB TV