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Babuji's message for pressurizing parents!

Chidiya Ghar
Chidiya Ghar

With the current examination phase going on with students across the country, the kids of Chidiya Ghar too are facing the pressure. Gillu and Gaj’s results surprise their family members as both of them have scored marks on the opposite ends of the scale. Gaj has topped her class while Gillu has failed. This results in a very furious Koyal forcing Gillu to study harder for the next exams.

This is when Babuji becomes livid and scolds her to stop pushing Gillu to the brink of exhaustion. He explains that each kid has their own set of abilities and that there is no point in pressurizing them. Aditi Sajwan who enacts the role of Koyal said, “All of us have our unique skill set and are good in that specific area. This track should be a lesson to all grown-ups to motivate their children to what they are good. Children are really creative and should be given the freedom required and opportunity to achieve their true potential.”

- Jigna Shah