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Shweta Tiwari and Raja Choudhary legally divorced after 6 years

Shweta Tiwari and Raja Choudhary after getting divorced...
Shweta Tiwari and Raja Choudhary after getting divorced...

 Shweta Tiwari and Raja Choudhary were stuck in a troubled relationship. The duo wanted to end their relationship since last 6 years and the day has finally arrived. Shweta and Raja have finally got their divorced sanctioned by the judge. The divorce is proving to be a bliss for the couple, On one hand, Raja wants to enjoy his single hood and on the other hand, Shweta is throwing a grand party.

When we contacted, Shweta who was totally happy  “I’m very excited and happy that finally after 6 years I got legally divorced.It is a big day for me, I would especially like to thank my lawyer Kalpana and Jayesh who were on  board since last 2 months and get it done. I was struggling since last 5 years. I’m throwing a party on the 12th."
We also contacted Raja Chaudhary who confirmed the news, “Yes, finally we are legally divorced after almost 6 years. Will now enjoy my single hood and want to concentrate on work.”

Reporter: Ranjini Nair