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Animal Planet Presents 'Super Senses'

Have you ever wondered why an elephant has huge ears? Why the snake has a split tongue? Why an alligator uses low-pitch rumbles to make the water around them dance and what it is like to be a bat and to see with sound?

Animal Planet’s new series “Super Senses” will reveal why some animals have strange looking sense organs. Animals use sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing and other special senses to negotiate their way through a sometimes cruel and unforgiving world. Every feature has a special purpose that has evolved to ensure the survival of the animal. Just like humans, animals rely on their senses to communicate with each other, find their way around, stay safe and most importantly, to find food. The antennae of a butterfly which up close look like feathers, the sensory cells on a crocodile’s skin - these evolutionary traits aren’t just for decoration. In fact, the size, shape and location of these animal’s sense organs is all for a purpose. Super Senses will give a deep insight into the amazing abilities that animals have, with a focus on vision, sound, taste, touch and scent.

Starting April 13, Super Senses will air Monday to Thursday at 10 pm only on Animal Planet.