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Homi breaks silence on 'My Choice' Video

A lot of reaction 'My Choice' video has got from viewers featuring Deepika Padukone and 98 other women. Some supported it, few laughed on it, few went against it and others found it male-lashing. But till date, neither Deepika, nor director of the video, Homi Adajani, had given any statement about it.

But finally, Homi Adajania chose to speak up about the video and all the opinions people have on it. He posted a long status on his Facebook page, voicing his take and he seems to be making a lot of sense here. We have posted snapshot of his comment. Do Check it out for yourself! We even came to know that apart from Bollywood Actors, even Hollywood heartthrob has lended his support to this video by sharing it on his FB wall. Now that is quite a support to Homi's Video...

- Jigna Shah