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Marriage on cards for them!

Cute couples who can get hitched this year...

Kishwer Merchant and Suyyash Rai

Kishwer and Suyyash openly talked about their affair, and now the couple has decided to take their relationship to the next level. Suyyash revelaed that he is getting married to Kishwer this year, but the couple hasn't finalised a date. "Yes, it is true that we will be getting married this year. But the dates are not yet confirmed. We haven't decided them as yet," Kishwer was heard being said.

Mihika Verma and Mayank Gandhi

Mayank was heard saying that their families have met and have decided to get them hitched this year. "The elders in the family have to decide a date for the wedding," he revealed, adding, "Mihika doesn't like the way Indian shaadis happen and she wants us to run away and get married, but that's not possible here in India. Since I come from the capital, where shaadis are supposed to be lavish, we will plan everything accordingly . In Mumbai, people are more chilled out, but back home, shaadis are more about the guests rather than the couple. It will be a Delhi wedding for us, since I belong to Gurgaon and even Mihika's extended family is in Delhi. We will probably have one function in Mumbai for our industry friends.The date is yet to be decided but we have begun the preparations."

- Jigna Shah