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A unique ritual in Chidiya Ghar

The fans favourite TV show Chidiya Ghar will see a very unique tradition where they dip every cast member in a small well inside Chidiya Ghar on the eve of their birthdays and they say this is a very special tradition that they have started from the beginning of the show. No one is an exception for this tradition and we all have taken turns in the well.

Paresh Ganatra who enacts the role Ghotak said, “I have been on Chidiya Ghar since the beginning and we have always made sure that every cast member is dipped in the well on their birthdays. Recently we have dipped Ketan in the pool and all the cast members had a lot of fun”. Watch the pranks and plays of Chidiya Ghar on SAB TV!!

- Shreshtha Chaudhury