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Watch The Mentalist on Star World!

Watch the fourteenth episode of the first season of the, ‘The Mentalist’ tonight to watch the story unfold further. The plot revolves around the CBI which is called in to investigate the murder of a millionaire's wife, Claire Wolcott, who was shot following a sexual rendezvous with her lover, a local pick-up artist, Paul Fricke. Paul has spent years honing the art of picking up women, creating his own pseudo-mentalist techniques, and using them to seduce women into giving him thousands of dollars. While evidence suggests Claire's controlling husband knew of the affair, giving him motive, the list of suspects grows after CBI interrogates a plethora of local women Paul has scorned. In the end, Cho goes undercover, and with Jane's help, he masterfully employs some of Paul's pick-up techniques to catch the killer—not one of Paul's exes, but someone who has been watching him play women night after night.
Watch The Mentalist at 10 pm tonight only on Star World.