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YRKKH: Has Bhabhima really accepted Naitik and Akshara?

In last episode, we saw Bhabhima accepting and giving blessings to Naitik and Akshara on Naksh's Birthday celebration. To give you an idea of the past, Bhabhima had thrown Akshara out of home blaming her to be a reason for Dadaji (Bhabhima's Husband) death. Everyone seems to be happy and gives credit to Naksh for this reunion after 10 years. Naksh is unaware of the past and asks Bhabhima to feed Naksh and Akshara piece of cake which she does half heartedly. Akshara is skeptical that Bhabhima have not accepted them yet and is just doing because of Naksh. Naitik remains positive that maybe things can get better.

What you think? Bhabhima has really accepted them or its just to keep Naksh happy on his bday?
Will situation become more worse? Do share your views...

- Jigna Shah