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Discovery Science presents a new season of 'How Its Made'!

Discovery Science presents ‘HOW IT’S MADE’, a series that will help you get an insight into how everyday things are made. ‘HOW IT’S MADE’ will feature the fascinating process behind the making of common items such as jeans, aluminum foil and cereal, and less predictable ones like wax figurines, braille typewriters and pinball machines.
The series demystifies the making of complex products such as computers, trucks and fiber optics while also familiarising viewers with what goes behind the products that we all use but rarely think about – such as paper, chocolate and gummie candy. For instance, did you know that paper is made of a paste containing 65% maple, 25% birch and 10% poplar? Or that Apple juice is primarily made of McIntosh apples during the harvest season in October?
From raw material to manufacturing of parts, to assembling all of them to make a finished product, the series educates and entertains at the same time. Watch HOW IT’S MADE everyday at 8 pm only on Discovery Science!