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I ran away from home when I was 17! -Raman Handa


Raman Handa who has done Rakhi Ka Swamvar, and few fiction shows ran from his home when he was only 17. Talking about his journey from Saharanpur to Mumbai Raman says,"I started earning at early age in my life.  At 12 I used to paint  well and started giving tuition's. We come from a very well to do family but my uncle actually defrauded us and deprived us from all the property." Raman started supporting his family and in his teens he came to Delhi and with help of his relative he enrolled in NFD and studied interior designing. "There was a time when I used to sell flowers and dictionary at the traffic signal. And the irony was one day I met a girl at the traffic signal whom I used to like in my institute. She rolled down the window looked at me and could not recognise." Raman thinks that was the day when he realised the harsh reality and promised himself that one day he will make a name of his own. "When I came to Mumbai the first 6 months struggle was too much. I even slept at the park for few days. The watchman of that premise used to feed me." 

-Shreshtha Chaudhury