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Mika Singh & Karan Mehra's Challenge!

Karan Mehra had joined Mika Singh and others on a tour and stage show in South Africa. Our source informs us, "Karan is quite popular in South Africa as show Pavitra Rishta has a huge fan following there and hence there was a lot of mobbing happening at the show. For one of the acts while Mika was singing away, Karan was dancing to the same Bollywood numbers and in excitement Mika and Karan made a bet. Mika challenged Karan to give out his phone number on stage for his female fans and to win this challenge, Karan did so on stage but the result ever since has been that his phone has been ringing nonstop." Now this is what we call winning a bet as well as the love of fans, isn't it.


-Shreshtha Chaudhury