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Lost Treasure Hunters on Discovery Turbo...

If you think the great treasures of the past are found in museums... think again. The greatest treasures are still waiting to be found. Featuring an elite team of experienced prospectors, miners, and gemologists searching for an adventure, Discovery Turbo’s new series Lost Treasure Hunters is a thrilling combination of exploration and excitement.

They're real-life Indiana Joneses -- but for profit rather than posterity. In this series, prospector Sam Speerstra and his team of treasure hunters investigate the clues left by ancient civilizations, then go in search of long-lost riches. Their work begins in the ancient Indian city believed to have been the source of some of the world's most valuable diamonds, including the Hope diamond. Legend has it that the diamond mines of Golconda were depleted 250 years ago, but Speerstra believes the area is still rich with gems. He has dedicated his life to finding them, and this is his final chance, for the impending construction of a dam will soon erase the mines from the Indian landscape. Sam and his team scour the ancient diamond mines of Golconda region, which have been sunk beneath the surface of the water.  But when there’s treasure, there’s always danger involved, and the team must face some challenging, perilous obstacles, ranging from venomous killer snakes and crocodiles, to extreme weather. As the legends of the Golconda diamond mines have endured for hundreds of years; however, no one knows where the mines are. As locals and team members continued to find diamonds, it was evident the legends were true and that with their skill, technique and ingenuity, they would soon uncover the location of the mines. 

Will they find the lost treasures? 

- Jigna Shah