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Puncham Bazaar...

Rani Poddar with Arjun Kapoor
Rani Poddar with Arjun Kapoor

Puncham Bazaar, an exclusive Lifestyle and Fashion show organized by Puncham a socio- charitable women’s organization headed by Mrs. Rani Poddar. The legendary exhibition has been continuing for more than three decades now. This exhibition cum sale’s primarily focus lies in making all sorts of household items under one roof for women. The one day event aims to making women feel beautiful inside and out. The exhibition to showcase trend setting designers clothing, accessories, footwear, jewellery and much more by designers from different cities- All under one roof. So be it cutlery, crockery, arte facts, furnishings, designer garments or anything at all for women, you will definitely find it at“Puncham Bazaar”.

Rani Poddar, woman behind Puncham Bazaar exclaims “Skilled women playing vital role in economic uplift. Puncham Bazaar is an opportunity for women to exhibit their talent. Women should empower each other and help others grow. As much as I believe education is important I equally stand in support of talent. For all those women who haven’t got the chance to attain the education they deserved,Puncham Bazaar provides them to explore their talent”

So are you ready for your annual visit to “PunchamBazaar”?