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Star Movies brings viewers a Creature Based Survival Festival!

This May, Star Movies has a super treat in store for all those fans of creature features. In honor of all of the monsters that try to destroy civilization, Star Movies brings viewers a Creature Festival 25 May to 29 May.

Fix those Monday night blues with Anacondas: The Hunt For The Blood Orchid sees a group of researchers pitted against a giant jungle. Following the serpent spectacular is Evolution, a creature comedy that follows the pandemonium caused by a meteor that brings alien life to giving new meaning to the term "survival of the fittest". Come Wednesday thrill-seekers can settle in for an exciting night with Lake Placid: The Final Chapter, the fourth film of the successful franchise where high school kids are hunted by enormous crocodiles who have an affinity for human flesh. Thursday brings Steven Spielberg’s timeless Jurassic Park where viewers can take a tour an island theme park populated by dinosaurs created from prehistoric DNA. Finally the bring in the weekend on Friday with the popular classic King Kong where humanity learns that when we try force nature into serving our needs, nature turns against us.

So stock up on popcorn and gear up for an action-packed creature infested week with Star Movies Creature Based Survival Festival.

- Jigna Shah