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Rajniesh Duggal and Aman Verma undeterred by heavy weights!

Indian television’s biggest ever visual extravaganza, has proved to be a visual treat for the viewers this festive season with its grand sets, elegant costumes, majestic properties and more. But ensuring this larger than life experience has definitely not been a cake walk for the cast of the show – lead cast Rajniesh Duggal and Aman Yatan Verma would know! 

In addition to the heavy costumes, extensive training and physical stunts, Ram and Raavan of Life OK’s Ramleela were required to perform fight sequences with heavy costumes, head gear and jewelry weighing a total of 25kgs in addition to their body weight. Performing stunts and action sequences with elaborate costumes and heavy weapons is definitely no easy task. However, the two actors being thorough professionals continued to shoot the heavy duty action sequences through the shoot schedules!

Life OK’s Ramleela is a modern day representation of Lord Ram's story and his battle with Raavana, where good triumphs over evil. Ajay Devgn presents the musical experience of ‘Ramleela’ as the Sutradhar featuring more than 20 songs in a five episode series.