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Another great day is coming up and this time it’s our birthday … GR8! TV Magazine turns 12 this year, on August 26th. 2015… GR8! Will be a full-fledged teenager the next year ,the reason for much joy in our lives and full credit for that goes out to you, our readers and to all our ardent supporters in the TV industry. As I always say, couldn’t have done it without you! Huge thanks to all of you and here’s looking forward to us celebrating many more years together.

Other than that it’s been a rather typical, non-eventful month in telly-land. Nothing new or unusually exciting has caught our attention. Even the News channels that normally offer us much “entertainment” have been insipid & monotonous, to say the least. Audiences are getting peeved by these channels carrying on and on about issues – the Twitter “hashtag” may change daily but the content on air stays pretty much the same. The past few months, for example,have only covered 2 issues. One related to the highly inconsequential Mr Lalit Modi & his associates and the other was about what became know as the Vyapam Scam in Madhya Pradesh. Each time voices are raised, fingers are pointed and abuses are hurled. The politicians, the bureaucrats, the businessmen being accused, abused and pointed at know that in a little while the din will settle, everything will be forgotten and everyone will simply move on to the next scam.

Like with every other scam, sting, expose we all just forget and move along. The same “culprits” we accuse in one scam are there on TV debates to accuse others in the other scam. It’s all about shocking people, catching eyeballs, gaining TRP’s & getting advertisements. If nothing else, at least outcast & ban the ones (even allegedly) shamed from entering your studios as panellists & experts. Show us that you truly mean what you say.

I used to love to watch the news & I would usually do that for a couple of hours daily before I went to bed. Not anymore… I don’t know about you but I’m barely watching the news these days. I do flip across six or seven news channels & get the little information being offered from the ticker tape on each channel but since I prefer to end my day with some good news I now just settle down with a goodshow or movie.

Whatever it is that works for you, just keep watching TV.On that note, it’s adios for now. Until next time, happy reading!


Twitter Handle: @anuranjan1010


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