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TV Stars talk about Pokemon Go & other video games

Vivian Dsena: I haven't got time to play Pokemon. Little master I used to play and also Supermario.My mom had put a condition if I get 80%Marks in my Exam I will get it and I got 89%. It was very interesting to rescue the girl I used to enjoy the thrill. Video games were a big source of entertainment and was fun.

Arjun Bijlani: I have checked pokemon. It's interesting. As a child I always enjoyed playing car and bike racing games. The fun I use to have with friends and me competing to win. We use to spend hours and hours during vacations playing that and not get bored. Road Rash and Formula One Grand Prix were among my top list. Video games used to transport me to a different world.

Rashami Desai I have hectic schedules and didn't get time to paly pokemon but have heard about it. I have always been a car lover and I used to play all the car racing games and also a few games like the Bomb Man and Tetris. It was always fun to play with cousins and making them lose every time in those games. Games are a delight and was great source of fun and freedom

Krrip Kapur Suri  I love cars. I used to play car and racing games. Supermario always intrigued me. Pokemon is flavour of the season. I want to check it out when I get time. An actors life depends on his shoot and life.

Amal Sehrawat- Virtual is not my type. I am an outdoor person and don't enjoy games on mobile ! I enjoy playing basketball and badminton along with adventurous sports like rapelling and bungee jumping , that give me adrenaline rush. I have heard about Pokemon but havent played it.

Shashank Vyas-  I don't like indoor games. In my childhood also my friends use to play Contra Mario but I was never interested. I love to play outdoor games and I just enjoy it more.

Shivin Narang- I am not into pokemon games but my brother is. I used to play Mario, Contra, FIFA, WWE, Street fighter. I prefer outdoor activities more.

Sanjay Gagnani- I have heard Pokemon is the new rage but I have never been into digital gaming since school days. I'm a complete sports person. I play REAL games which includes lot of physical and mental strength at the field. Virtual and digital gaming have never earned my interest. I personally believe these virtual and digital games are a complete waste of time and energy while sports make you stronger mentally and physically and teaches you a lot of valuable things. A true sportsman irrespective of winning or losing a game is a true winner in life.

Vibhu Raghave- I haven't started Pokemon Go yet but what I hear from my friends world wide is that it's tons of fun. Best part is that it pushes people to get off of their comfy couches. I am not big on mobile games as such but one time candy crush was my addiction and my all time favorite still is Pac-man.

Navina Bole- I enjoyed playing with dolls initially as a child. I did play lot of video games as well which involved bike racing. Pokemon is arousing interest of everyone and everyone is talking about it.

Aanshul Trivedi- Yes, I've been hearing a lot about Pokemon. How I wish I could play this. Due to crazy shooting schedules, it's difficult to take some time out to play games. I heard this game uses a player's smartphone camera and GPS signal, the game makes it seem as if wild Pokemon are cropping up on the streets of the real world. It sounds quite fascinating. I shall play this soon.