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Rucha Gujrathi to play daughter of Nausheen Ali Sardar?


Casting  in  Indian serials seems to be really weird. No one  care's a fig about the real age of the actor’s ; and an actor is compelled to act as the mother or daughter of someone close to their age. 

One more example of this  desi TV phenomena  is  &TV show  Gangaa, where Nausheen  Ali  Sardar was  recently introduced as a new character Rahat who had an equation with Ganga’s foster  father  Niranjan Chaturvedi played by Hiten  Tejwani.       

Interestingly  the creatives  have now roped in  Rucha Gujarathi  of Bhabhi fame who has been trying for a long time to make  a comeback  as  Rahat’s daughter. This casting is quite a mismatch for Rucha is a hardly few years younger then  Nausheen. You can imagine the disjoint on screen and spare a thought for the concerned actors who need to get the required emotions out of a scene which  looks so unreal.”

This confusion does not end for the lead actress Aditi Sharma now playing  Ganga  is hardly a year or two  younger to  Nausheen in real life.   And they have to play an equation where Rahat has to act like mother like  character.  Even  Hiten  must not be more then five six years older to  Aditi! 


Anil Merani