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MTV Love School - Karan Singh Grover & Bipasha to host




MTV has probably zeroed in on the perfect choice for Love School  by bringing in Karan Singh Grover and Bipasha Basu. The show focuses on how love triumphs over difficulties in a relationship. There could be many who will laugh at this choice  pointing out  KSG’s past  failed marriages and Bips  affairs. 
But there is always turning a new  page,  life is all about learning’s . We all have made our fair share of mistakes. Not everybody is  lucky to find true love in one go. Some have to endure trial and error like KSG and Bips. Sometimes things go south and no one really knows what the inside story was.  Sadly KSG got lots of brickbats for he refused to talk about what went wrong. There is always two sides to a story. Maybe he will throw some light on it in the above show. You might say three marriages is a tad too much, but  again some people are destined to go through bad times, but they emerge stronger.   

- Anil Merani