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Pics from Asmita Sood's Europe Trip


Actress Asmita Sood recently went to Europe for the first time. Places that she visited included Munich, Prague and Croatia. Travel comes with lots of shopping and trying different cuisines. 
Asmita informs " I am not fond of meat much, but I tried a traditional dish called Goulash and variety of it and also had the best chicken schnitzel in Prague. I bought some souvenirs from Munich, a football jersey of Bayern Munich for my brother. And from Prague I bought some clothes, postcards and from Budapest, some paprika and a beautiful painting for my room.

Asmita's trip was close to three weeks and she feels taking a break from your busy life is an absolute necessity. She adds,"To get a mental break from the hectic schedule and busy life of Mumbai is very important. This is my 5th trip this year! I just believe in making the most of the time I get. I am just managing to do things that I love doing the most! Travelling is on top always." The next travel plan and the destination is already in Asmita's mind which will be the Western part of Europe and Australia. Bon Voyage Asmita !