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Icchapyaari Naagin will debunk some myths about naagins - Priyal Gor


Priyal Gor of SAB TV's upcoming show, Icchapyaari Naagin says the new show will help debunk some myths about naagins.

Says Priyal "It’s a popular belief that offering milk to snakes will fulfil all your wishes but very few people know that snakes do not drink milk in fact they are quite lactose intolerant since milk is not part of their natural diet. Snake charmers usually starve snakes during festive season and hence they drink milk since they have no other choice."

"There is nothing called a ‘Naagin Dance’, snakes do not dance. In fact, snakes cannot hear clearly and thus cannot appreciate music or decipher beats. They have a great sense of smell and touch but not of the acoustics. When you see a snake’s swirly movements, it is nothing but its response to the movements made by the snake charmer.It is also believed that snakes are very vengeful and if by accident or otherwise one ends up killing a snake’s partner, it comes after the killer for revenge which in itself is quite farfetched", adds Priyal.