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Priyal Gor dabbles in poetry as her pastime


Actress Priyal Gor palying title roel in Icchapyari Nagin has fascination for poetry. She says, " I started writing poetry since three years. I can write in Englsih as well as Hindi. I like to pen down my thoughts. It's like a stress buster. I make only very close people read my stuff. Its for myself only. One of my friend was into writing so she inspired me to develop this hobby. I have no intention of getting it published. I pursue it when ever I get time once ni tw omonth types. Such hobbies keeps your perspective in place. I don't feel low at all as I can translate my feelings and emotions in poetry". Well Priyal you should write a book soon!


A few samples of her penned poems

Stay by my steel ward bed and hold me where I lie

Love me when I m dead

And Do not let me die .


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2 - ईनहि बिगड़ें दिमाग़ों में भरें ख़ुशियों कि लच्चय है

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