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The boys’ room gets wiped out!

Bigg boss loves to throw surprises and now after 70 days into the game, the boys room ( the bright yellow room) will now go missing, leaving them with limited space and adjusting again to this new twist thrown in. The girls and boys will have to fit in the existing room without any complaints.  As days to the finale days get closer, the competition needs to get tougher, and with this twist some bond will become stronger while some may just fall apart.

The housemates were astounded to see the entire room shut down after they participated in the quiz task in the garden area. Sapna tells Karishma that she and Karishma can share their bed with Niketan. Karishma denies by saying it will look unpleasant visually. Later Karishma is seen discussing with Imam how her mother will never be appreciative of it, Imam agrees and contemplates his chances of sharing the bed with Urvashi, since according to him his mother will not appreciate him sharing the bed with some other lady. Well the housemates already seem to have some issues. Eventually Imam slept outside the house near the garden area. Will there be more interesting bed time stories or midnight madness with all the housemates in the same room. Only time will tell.

 Though the rooms of the Bigg Boss house have been locked down earlier, it is the first time that an entire room has been abolished from scratch. The housemates will go through a test of patience and perseverance till the finale with just one room to share their joy and sorrows.