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Tell us what makes you a ‘Housewife No 1’ …!

Zee TV gives housewives a chance to show the world what makes them the superwoman of their household

Housewives do so much in the course of an average day just to keep running the household like a well-oiled machinery, yet a lot of their work goes completely unnoticed and is taken for granted. So, to give housewives across India their much deserved appreciation, Zee TV announces an online app on Facebook whereby they can upload pictures of their personal achievements and exchange notes with other housewives about the same.  After all, who better than a housewife would be able to appreciate the achievements of another! The app is available on Zee TV's Facebook page at

This app has been launched in the wake of the channel's latest primetime show 'Aaj Ki Housewife Hai ... Sab Jaanti Hai' going on air since Monday, 31st December. The show highlights how being a housewife is not just a respectable choice but a challenging job that calls for resourcefulness, creativity and tact. In fact, the show captures how housewives can teach even the world’s biggest CEOs the art of multi-tasking! Set in Allahabad, the show features Sona, a journalist who consciously decides to leave her job and be a housewife on getting married. The show will explore how she applies her intelligence to being a smart housewife, plays her cards well and sets an otherwise dysfunctional family back on track!        

So, be it handling your home business or tutoring the neighborhood kids or a dish you think you’ve made really well, it’s time for all you housewives to ‘upload your achievements’ and be showcased on Zee TV’s Facebook app for 'Aaj Ki Housewife Hai ... Sab Jaanti Hai'!