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Spot the 63 mistakes!

According to the, Men in Black 3 was the most error-strewn film of 2012. Will Smith's return to extra-terrestrial policing duties as Agent J in Barry Sonnenfeld's sci-fi comedy sequel featured 63 mistakes, including one scene in which a huge fish inexplicably appears to return to life after J has ripped its heart out. Most of the other bloopers were also continuity mistakes, including some magically disappearing rubbish bins, and napkins and cutlery in a restaurant scene that appeared to move around the table from shot to shot.

Director Barry Sonnenfeld's franchise turned 15 in 2012 (that's 105 in dog years) and it's getting a little tired. So tired in fact, that the filmmakers allowed a whopping 63 mistakes into Men in Black 3, more than doubling the number of boo-boos in the second place film, Sam Mendes' Skyfall which had only 29 mistakes. 

Try and catch these bloopers as Men in Black 3 premieres on Sony PIX on March 10 at 1pm and repeat at 9pm