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Deepika Padukone’s Secret Out!

Deepika Padukone can be termed as the synonym to Pristine Beauty, from her sexy figure to flawless skin and beautiful hair. And the secret of her beauty is Deepika’s natural, miracle drink, tender coconut water. A lesser known fact about the gorgeous Deepika is that she absolutely loves coconut water. Being a rich source of nutrients, the humble refresher gives the dazzling diva all the love and care she needs. Along with loving the taste, Deepika feels it’s the perfect miracle drink to keep her hair and skin refreshed throughout the day. In fact, a lot of global celebrities are going gaga over it, right from Madonna to Demi Moore amongst many others. Kudos to Deepika as she sets the trend in India and reclaims our ever favourite coconut water as India’s best kept beauty secret!

- Dharmishtha Dagia