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Ek Maum Ki Gudiya Suchitra Krishnamoorthi!

Candle making and aromatherapy....

Colour therapy and Fengshui....

Chakra healing and Mantra...

In short Candle therapy...

A fascinating journey that left her spellbound. ..

Could my chronic insomnia have really been cured by breathing in the aromas of a root oil? Had my daughters stuffy nose cleared by the candle I lit last night? Did my concentration candle actually help my niece top her exam like she swore?

Hooked onto the miraculous healing properties of essential oils and their power to alter moods and emotions and promote wellbeing she learnt so much in her travels...

Most of all she learnt that a candle is not just an object of beauty and light. It is also a tool of divination and wellbeing.

Encouraged by the positive response she decided to open her own little Store -
The Candlelight Company at A.B Nair Road Juhu...A very well attended evening showed one and all the good will she shares with all..

GR8! Wishes her success in her endeavour...