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Mad Over Donuts partners with Go Goa Gone!

Mad Over Donuts partners with Go Goa Gone
Mad Over Donuts partners with Go Goa Gone

Singaporean gourmet donut brand Mad Over Donuts (MOD) has announced its association with Go Goa Gone produced by Illuminati Films and Eros International. This is the first time MOD will be associating itself with a Film. Scheduled to release on the 10th May 2013, the film featuring Saif Ali Khan, Kunal Khemu and Vir Das is India's first Zom-com. With key attributes like fun and craziness, MOD discovered an apt association with this film that seeks an audience with the vibrant and dynamic youth. MOD has also introduced a donut named 'Zombie Keel-er' created especially for this film. Dipped in white chocolate, this donut is topped with bloody red jelly and dark blueberry compote.

- Dharmishtha Dagia