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Ace Lensman Jagdish Mali no more…

Jagdish Mali
Jagdish Mali

He was a wizard with the camera! He could turn ducks into swans just by that one click of his. In fact, he was the one who created the hypnotic aura around Rekha, the actress who was hardly anyone’s idea of a Diva when she entered the Industry.

But once Mali decided to train his camera on her, she acquired a halo of an ethereal beauty that took everybody’s breath away.

Jagdish Mali was an integral part of the showbiz since the 80’s and few, if any, could ignore the mesmerising impact his photographs could create in catapulting them to stardom. Many used to say that ‘there was God above and Mali down here in giving a virtual rebirth to the artistes’!

The clicks of his Camera created fortunes!

Today, the ‘clicks’ have become silent forever and GR8! deeply condoles the passing away of this maestro of Images!

There are photographers and photographers, but there was, is and would be only one Jagdish Mali.


- Vierendra Bhargav