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Like Father, Like Son!

Siddhant Bhosle with band Red Seems Right perform at Hanging Gardens for The Bandstand Revival Fest
Siddhant Bhosle with band Red Seems Right perform at Hanging Gardens for The Bandstand Revival Fest

Though it was Mother's Day but the case with Siddhant Bhosle was a little different. Following his dad's footsteps the Sudesh Bhosle's son Siddant turns alt-rock singer at The Bandstand Revivial Fest. He along with his alt-rock band ‘Red Seems Right’ was shortlisted to perform for The Bandstand Revival Festival at Hanging Gardens. The 2013 edition of Bandstand Revival kicked off in Mumbai last month, with gigs at Dadar Chowpatty, Hanging Gardens and Horniman Circle Gardens. NH7 and Bandstand Revival were offering singer-songwriters and bands a chance to play the People's Choice Concert of the festival.

- Dharmishtha Dagia